Kata Level 2B - Lean Competency System

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Level 2B - Kata Expert Coach


A Level 2B Kata Expert Coach can demonstrate that they have regularly coached over a longer period more than one individual in practicing and developing a more scientific ways of thinking 

A Level 2B Kata Expert Coach can demonstrate knowledge and application of the Coaching Kata 5-Phase model by helping multiple learners achieve a series of target conditions and meet real challenges and is adept at applying the Coaching Kata with different people, in a variety of scenarios and often challenging situations.

A Level 2B Kata Expert Coach has the ability to pursue a series of target conditions for developing multiple people’s ability and mindset.

Level 2B focuses on developing a coach’s mindset, so he/she is able to:

  • Focus on the person’s learning.
  • Focus on the other person’s way of thinking and approach, rather than the technical  content of the conversation. 
  • Be “solution open” and freely give true autonomy to the learner, for example by allowing experiments that are likely to fail in order to facilitate longer-term learning.
  • Focus on developing the other person’s way of thinking, adaptiveness and ability to work towards and reach challenging goals.
  • Focus on developing their team in a more scientific way of working together.

Prerequisites for Level 2B

KCS Level 1A & 1B. KCS Level 2A

Knowledge requirements

The Level 2B Kata Expert Coach shall know and understand:

  1. Preparing a new learner for coaching.
  2. The Improvement Kata Starter Kata for practicing the  scientific method.
  3. The learner’s storyboard and the other Improvement Kata Starter Kata to understand the learner’s current pattern of thinking and identify where it deviates from the desired way of thinking.
  4. Evaluating a learner’s current state of ability and way of thinking.
  5. Establishing consecutive target conditions for developing a learner’s ability.
  6. Recognising a learner’s emotional state.
  7. Dealing with different learner’s levels of resilience and individual learning preferences.
  8. Working with interconnected target conditions in a team of learner’s.
  9. Recognising and dealing with interdependencies between target conditions of different learners.
  10. Optional: The role and responsibilities of a second coach.
  11. Optional: Linking and deriving target conditions with/from  Strategy (Policy) Deployment.

Application requirements

The Level 2B Kata Expert Coach shall be able to demonstrate:

  1. The ability to prepare a new learner for coaching.
  2. Use of the Improvement Kata Starter Kata for practicing a scientific approach with a new learner.
  3. They have reached several consecutive, interconnected target conditions in their team of learner’s through coaching them on a regular basis and have set a challenge to give direction to their team from which the team can derive target conditions.
  4. They have made  coaching individuals a regular part of working with and developing their team.
  5. The ability to evaluate a learner’s current state of ability and way of thinking and do it on a regular basis.
  6. They have defined and reached individual Target Conditions for the learner’s ability and mindset.
  7. They have coached different people with different personalities and learning styles.
  8. The ability to handle sensitive and difficult situations in coaching cycles with individuals as well as with the whole team.

Course outcomes

At the end of a course/programme aligned to L2B the Kata Expert Coach shall be able to:

  • Act as the coach to multiple individuals in a variety of scenarios and often challenging situations through daily coaching cycles.
  • Apply the Improvement Kata model to developing people’s ability.
  • Help a team to achieve a series of interconnected target conditions and meet a real challenge.

Topic examples

A programme aligned to Level 2B shall be built on 2A topics and focus on second coaching the coach as part of their daily job role. It includes practical application of the Coaching Kata through regular, usually daily, coaching cycles in a real environment supporting several learners – each of whom must meet a well-defined Challenge. This is likely to require a successful Coach at this level to be spending a considerable time coaching as part of their job role, supporting learners in tackling ‘real-life’ problems and challenges.

Developing target conditions

Within a larger scope, such as value stream loops, information flow, interfaces between process steps or departments, behaviour.

Developing and working with interconnected target conditions in a team.

How to handle obstacles and conflicting priorities How to identify the need for cross-interface support

Developing a target condition (as a coach) for each learner’s development

Applying the Improvement Kata to each learner’s individual development plan

Models for identifying and working with different types of behaviours and types of personality

Learning to adjust your coaching approach

Coaching in a team situation.

When and how to conduct a Group Coaching Cycle.

Level assessment

The assessment should demonstrate that the outcomes have been achieved.

Application is the main focus of assessment and must be evidenced by conducting coaching cycles over a long period with regular observation and feedback by an experienced second coach.


A knowledge assessment shall demonstrate the learner can remember and understand L2B Kata knowledge, for example, through a multiple choice test, problem or case-based exams, oral exam, essay exam.

Practical application

Practical application should be demonstrated by conducting regular coaching cycles over a longer period, with regular observation and feedback by an experienced Second Coach.

  • Demonstrate they have used the Coaching Kata 5-phase coaching model in a real environment supporting more than 1 learner to meet several well-defined Challenges, and completed a minimum of 120 Coaching Cycles, 30 of which include observation and feedback from a Second Coach. Demonstrate regular, at least twice a week, use of the Coaching Kata in a real situation, leading each learner to meeting a minimum of consecutive 3 Target Conditions on the way to achieving a defined Challenge
  • Evidence can be provided through completion of appropriate online or physical documents, such as a storyboard, case studies, record of coaching cycles, video, recordings, etc.
  • The evidence provided must include documented records of an experienced second Coach’s evaluation of the coaching cycles